For the series PENNY DREADFUL, Showtime invited Christopher Webb to create sensuously macabre imagery for the show titles and packaging. The team assembled live action talent, props, and a SFX makeup artist for a shoot at Chris's FX WRX. Chris employed in-camera effects including custom built motorized lighting rigs, flexible mirrors, puppetry, prop motion rigs, liquid tanks, and specialty lenses to evoke the show’s atmosphere of mystery and unease.
Cinematographer / Technical Director: Christopher Webb
Senior Art Director: Rudy Jaimes, Showtime
Art Director: Jason Hogg, Showtime
VP Creative Director, Series: Erik Friedman, Showtime
VP Design: Crystal Hall, Showtime
Producer: Lorraine O'Connor, Showtime
FX WRX / Project Manager: Graceann Dorse
Production Coordinator: Kevin Howard
Prop Master: Greg Williams
Special Effects Makeup Artist: Anthony Pepe