Director Alan Williams of Imaginary Forces teamed up with Christopher Webb at his FX WRX studio to capture practical liquid FX and product shots for Bausch + Lomb. Working with prop master Makoto Aoki, Chris and his team built a mechanical rig which dropped a custom made model of the product into water. The rig then triggered air powered jets to propel a controlled splash from under the product as it touched down. An adjustable magnetic dampener arrested the product, stopping its descent before any shake or bounce could occur. The entire event was filmed in super slow motion with special lighting and lens systems designed to bring the splash to life.
Cinematographer / Technical Director: Christopher Webb
FX WRX Manager: Graceann Dorse
Camera Assistant: Oliver Jevremov
Gaffer: Tim Curtin
Key Grip: Dan Torres
Tabletop Rigging: Dan Jusino
Utility: Conner Daniels
FX / Water Specialist: Makoto Aoki
FX Asst.: Tomaka Tsuchimochi
FX Asst.: Erina Hattori
PA: Mak Nkhereanye
Imaginary Forces
Director: Alan Williams
Executive Producer: Jon Hassell
Producer: Tess Sitzmann